There is a vast room in buying a ceramic tile for wall and floor tiling other than the color and pattern which will work in a room. Every
tile has its own manufacturing features and intended use, its uses are written
on the label box as well when you went to buy them. There is a code written on
it as well, in order to buy a good tile suitable for your intended usage, you
need to understand these codes. This will help you in buying the ceramic tile
which is right for your project, it is an easier way to save you money.
The first thing what you have to note is the rating of the
tile. There are four to five rating categories listed on every box of the
ceramic tiles for wall and floor tiling. Five normally uses for the glazed
tiles and four are for unglazed tiles. Before buying a tile, make sure you have
read the label thoroughly, its PEI rating, water absorption capacity,
coefficient of friction, safety of tone and frost.
The first thing is the grade of the tile. The grade of the
tile is rated between one to three. Grade one is considered to be the highest
of the quality. Grade two is much similar to the grade one in many features but
it is less expensive than the grade one. For floor tiling, grade one and two
are more suitable for it. Grade three tiles are not very heavy on which you can
walk on. They are more suitable for walls only. Keep in mind that you can use a
floor tile on walls but never use wall tiles on the floor because they will be
less heavy duty and will not suitable for walking purposes. Make sure that
every tile that you have used for the floor is of grade one or two.
Water rating is another category which is another most prominent
feature of the tiles. It is normally called PEI which stands for Porcelain and
Enamel Institute’s wear rating. It makes the tile to resist abrasion and
suitability as a floor tile. Only glazed tiles have got this feature. If you
are buying an unglazed tile then you will not be having this feature.

The other most important category is the slip resistance, it
is normally considered to be the coefficient of friction abbreviated as C.O.F
It is the force required to slide over an object across the
surface divided by the object’s weight. The C.O.F numbers indicate the less
friction resistant and the floor will be provided less traction. It will
indicate that the floor will be less slippery.
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